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Writer's pictureScaling Change Inc.

What is Social Entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship is a relatively new, and rapidly evolving field. It is also the leading edge of capitalism and democracy.

Why This Matters

The world is in the middle of a massive transition. And the future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind. Social entrepreneurs challenge status quo, and transform unhappy equilibriums. And the rate of change, combined with the urgency of health, economic, environmental, and social issues, amplified by the impotence of traditional institutions, the need for change is urgent.

Here's The Problem

We are in an unbelievable time in history, where individuals and small groups can destabilize entire nations. And the rate of change, combined with the urgency of health, economic, environmental, and social issues, amplified with the cascade of crises, and the impotence of traditional institutions, the need for change is urgent. Most people respond to the onslaught of global problems by tuning out, drowning in distractions, or adopting an attitude of cynicism and apathy. Many people would like to take action, but they feel like the problems are too big to solve.

Old Solutions

In past decades, people who were primarily motivated by social or ethical concerns did not view business as a means to their dreams. Individuals who wanted to 'make a difference' might have entered one of the caring professions - teaching, medicine, clergy, — or journalism, science, or law.

Or they pursued this bifurcated approach like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, who engaged in exploitative practices to make money, and demonstrate public mindedness, by giving it away.

Bold Solutions

People like you are finding ways to respond with creativity, energy, and even optimism, tackling local, national, and global problems with powerful ideas and new tools.

People like you are seeing problems that are ignored, mishandled, or blatantly exploited by traditional institutions, and they are creating their own solutions.

Social enterprise is a vehicle to satisfy a spectrum of goals and desires. It is creating new kinds of marketplaces to make necessary things available at affordable prices. It is an adaptation to the changing demands of our world, and a departure from top-down, centralized problem solving. This favors an integrated, decentralized approach that harnesses the efforts of creative problem solvers.

Social entrepreneurs create new connections across cultural and disciplinary boundaries, and can lead to the rapid circulation and sharing solutions at the global level.

You change the world when you hold up a new and more attractive way to live. This is a model for people who want to create, innovate, and solve interesting problems.

In the same way technology, the spread of information, and our organizing capacity has given us more destructive capacity, it simltanously gives us more constructive capacity than ever before.

Redeeming Capitalism

In this new economy, people with purpose prevail. Good capitalism generates the resources we need to achieve our democratic ideals.

Advancing Democracy

Democracy flourishes to the extent that the majority of people are able to shape and participate in civic life. Social entrepreneurship allows people to do exactly that.

Positive social change may strike some as a burdensome responsibility. But it will call others to greatness. This new economy requires a special kind of leadership, a creative contribution, something that not just anyone can produce. This is for those who seek change, who want to make things better. And this is a path defined by resilience, and generosity.


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